Vinícius Rosa Cota

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Belo Horizonte, Brasil.

Professor associado I no Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica da Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei na área de Neuroengenharia.

LECTURE: Periodic and Non-Periodic Deep Brain Stimulation in Epilepsy Models: Effects on Network Synchronization.

Regular high-frequency stimulation (HFS) commonly has anticonvulsant effects and sparse antiepileptogenic properties. On the other hand, HFS is related to acute and long-term increases in excitability related to direct neuronal activation, long-term potentiation, and kindling, raising concerns regarding its safety and jeopardizing in-depth understanding of its mechanisms. In turn, the safer regular low-frequency stimulation (LFS) has a robust antiepileptogenic effect, but its pro- or anticonvulsant effect seems to vary at random among studies.

In his presentation Vinicius Rosa Cota will discuss the development of a protocol of temporally unstructured electrical stimulation applied to the amygdala. In that scenario, his group has shown that nonperiodic stimulation (NPS), a nonstandard form of low frequency stimulation, is capable of suppressing both acute and chronic spontaneous seizures.